Communicate with your target in a different way, using one of the most professional, simple and efficient tools of the market.

Thousands of companies from every area of business send TTS messages to landlines and mobiles phones every day.

We are developing this system in order to make your company more competitive and attractive. From now on you can send slower messages with a more understandable voice and chose between male and female voice. Different languages are also available.

How does it work?

1. Write a message on your computer/laptop through ActivMessenger
2. Type the phone number you want to send the TTS to or pick a list of numbers
3. Send, and the message is being red by a synthetic voice as soon as the phone is picked up

5 languages are available:

– French: male and female voice
– English: male and female voice
– Italian: male and female voice
– Dutch: one voice
– German: one voice

ActivMail Members can also send pre-recorded messages through the Internet (.wav files, PCM, 8,000 kHz; 8 Bit; Mono sound).

Send + receive TTS through ActivFax
Send TTS through ActivSMS
Receive TTS through ActivPush
About the Author

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Communicate with your target in a different way, using one of the most professional, simple and efficient tools of the market.

Thousands of companies from every area of business send TTS messages to landlines and mobiles phones every day.

We are developing this system in order to make your company more competitive and attractive. From now on you can send slower messages with a more understandable voice and chose between male and female voice. Different languages are also available.

How does it work?

1. Write a message on your computer/laptop through ActivMessenger
2. Type the phone number you want to send the TTS to or pick a list of numbers
3. Send, and the message is being red by a synthetic voice as soon as the phone is picked up

5 languages are available:

– French: male and female voice
– English: male and female voice
– Italian: male and female voice
– Dutch: one voice
– German: one voice

ActivMail Members can also send pre-recorded messages through the Internet (.wav files, PCM, 8,000 kHz; 8 Bit; Mono sound).

Send + receive TTS through ActivFax
Send TTS through ActivSMS
Receive TTS through ActivPush
About the Author

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